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Agrestis Soc. Coop. Agricola, Pietro Nicotra and Salvatore Paparone A hundred years ago in the small town of Buccheri, in the middle of "Monti Iblei" in Sicily, the Grandfathers of Lorenzo Nicotra and Giuseppe Paparone were already farming their olive trees with love and passion.
Today their sons, Pietro Nicotra and Salvatore Paparone are keeping up the good work. The tradition and the methods are the same, in a land where during the lasts centuries almost nothing has changed.
They have combined their studies of business administration and food science to bring a new point of view, increasing security, quality, and bringing new managerial solutions to bear and yet still maintaining the old tradition of working the land. Bringing these skills together has allowed them to have the high quality that Agrestis is proud to show through the many awards that they have received over the years.
This two-family small business has also a social aim, which is to stop the abandonment of the olives groves and the town by the younger generation.
Today the company gives work to 7 workers during the year and about 20 seasonal workers during the harvest period, thanks to the traditional method of picking the olives by hand. The hard work and the maintenance of the traditions are today recognized by everyone who have been fortunate to choose Agrestis for dressing their dishes.